Love Your Authentic Self & Attract Abundance!

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📅 April 24, 2023 - June 12, 2023
8 Weekly online classes via Zoom
6:00PM - 8:00PM PT

What’s in store:

👩🏻‍🏫 Live Instruction & Group Coaching
🧘 Guided Meditations & Breathwork
✨ Energy Healing Tools 
💭 Group Discussions and Q&A
💗 Safe Space to be Your Authentic Self
▶️ Replays of Recordings
💻 Access to a Learning Platform
📚 Resources

In this course, you will learn how to foster courage, self-awareness, self-love, and self-confidence. Open up to your authentic self as you send love to the parts that need healing. Tap into your intuition and from a space of alignment, attract abundance and start manifesting your dream life. 

See class outline and module descriptions here.

Save 38% off the full price of the Journey to Self-Love and Abundance course with this Waitlist Special.

Or sign up for the split payment option.

 (Full price of the course is $888.00.)


What People Are Saying:

I was suffering from anxiety and really struggling through my days when I found Song. I took her course and I can honestly say I am starting to feel like a different person. Through her course, I've realized how important it is to take time for myself and love on myself. Because of that my thoughts aren't as negative, my confidence in myself is growing, and I'm believing in myself more. My reality has been changing for the better and I have Song to thank for teaching me how to do that. Thank you Song! I am so grateful for you.

Michelle C.

I recently participated in Song's "Journey to Self Love and Abundance" course. It was an incredible experience- it really opened my eyes and helped me in all areas of my life. Although the class is virtual, the connection I felt to Song and all of the other members of the group was as if we were all in the same room. I will use what I have learned to continue to grow in self love. Song has an amazing gift as a spiritual healer and medium. I am so very grateful to have met her.

Laura G.

I loved the course! I really took notes on self love because I haven’t been loving myself for a long time. I almost feel like my own soul was upset with me and I understood why during this [course]. My favorite part was meeting each woman and sharing our stories in small groups together. I think life is very much mirrored and being able to see myself in each of them is what kind of got me through my own problems. It kind of made us all see and value what we have created in our lives for ourselves.

Alexis A.

I took Song's virtual "Journey to Self-Love and Abundance" course. I had never taken a course like this before, but I wanted to focus more energy on myself in 2020. I'm so glad I took the leap with a supportive group of wonderful people! Every well-thought-out session starts with a calming meditation that revealed something about myself that I hadn't seen before and focuses on specific topics. Song truly has an empowering gift that taught me how to love myself and feel that my dreams are possible. Thank you, Song!

Alice P.

$555.00 USD

Course Guidelines & Terms

(A copy of the Course Guidelines & Terms will be provided on the learning platform.)

“Courage gives us a voice and compassion gives us an ear. Without both, there is no opportunity for empathy and connection.” - Brené Brown'


Group Guidelines:

  • Sharing during group sessions is meant to be a safe container to express insights or experiences. Please support others by actively listening when they are talking and take turns in sharing, being mindful not to interrupt or talk over others.
  • Each member is uniquely gifted with their own energetic vibration and can contribute differently to amplify each week’s topics. Come as you are and speak from the heart. When sharing, you can use phrases like, “I feel,” “I think,” and “In my experience...”
  • Sharing is 100% optional. There may be moments you don’t feel like sharing or topics you feel uncomfortable discussing. There is courage in vulnerability. So I encourage you to push your edges as that’s where growth often occurs, but please always respect your personal needs around disclosure.
  • Participation is 100% confidential. Please do not share the names or stories of anyone in the group outside of the group to ensure the privacy and safety of all. Group classes will be recorded and posted on the Kajabi platform only to those who are enrolled in the course.
  • Share experiences and support but refrain from sharing advice. For example, if I am sharing about a difficult situation, I’d prefer that you don’t share what you think I should do (this makes me feel alone in my sharing and makes me think you believe you know better than I do on how to approach my own life... boo). However, it would be great if you shared that you similarly struggle (this makes me feel heard and not alone... yay), or that you struggled in the past but found a certain approach helpful (this gives me some inspiration as to possible ways of solving my problem... vibessss).
  • The group aims to be a judge-free zone. Please come with an open mind and open-heart. Be vigilant of any judgements you may have about yourself and others. You may even examine where that judgment is coming from and ask, “Is this thought helping or hurting?” If it is hurting, you can let it go. Therefore, please refrain from negative projections or shaming. The goal is to support, inspire, and empower yourself and others.
  • The recommended meditations and exercises provided are optional. However, whatever you put in, in terms of self-reflection and inner-work will only help grow the seeds of love, happiness, and abundance in your life. You are welcome and encouraged to share your reflections with others in the group during partner work.
  • It is possible that certain topics may bring up additional feelings for you that are too big to fully process during an hour meeting. In this case, we can schedule a separate time to meet 1:1 for energy healing or a life coaching session.
  • Please do not share slides, videos, or materials from the learning platform with others outside of the group.


Coaching Terms: 
The coaching style utilized in this course may include energy healing, intuitive guidance, practical goal setting, Law of Attraction manifestation, and other spiritual tools to help you achieve your goals.

The work we do in this course will help you develop and understand what you hope to accomplish in your journey. The course looks to foster a supportive environment for those outcomes. The instructor will share her skills and abilities to support your growth, intuitive awareness, and tools for personal and/or professional development. However, the course and coaching are only resources.


Client Responsibility:

As a conscious participant in your growth, you will ultimately take all responsibility for and actions related to accomplishing your goals and furthering the evolution of your life journey.


Legal disclaimer:

This course is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any emotional and physical illness. Discussions in the “Journey to Self-Love and Abundance” course by the instructor or any other participant are not intended to be construed as medical or financial advice. If you feel you can be of service to someone in the group, please contact them privately and ask for their permission to engage on the subject.


Refund policy:

Refunds are not available for courses. If you want to make sure that this course is right for you, you are welcome to book a 20 minute survey call or email the instructor with any questions you may have.  


Earnings Disclaimer: 

This course is for educational purposes. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in the materials discussed. Earning potential is dependent on the person using the product, ideas, or techniques.


Use and Content:

You understand and acknowledge that our Course, Products and Services and the Course Materials have been created, developed or obtained by Songbird Journeys through the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that this information is a valuable, special and unique asset of ours which needs to be protected from improper and/or unauthorized use.

You may download and/or print Course Material for your own personal use. However, you are not permitted to share, sell, reprint or republish any other of our Course Materials, including slides, handouts, or workbooks, for resale or mass reproduction purposes for your own business use. This includes sharing this program with your friends, family, colleagues, etc. If they would like access, they must purchase their own license separately. 

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